— Staff Spotlight —
Jackie Venegas
What is your role at DAP?
My role at DAP is a Case Manager for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and I also do Coordinated Entry Screening (CES) for Hennepin County.
What initially interested you in working in this field?
I’ve always had an interest in working with domestic violence victim survivors and abusers. It’s what I initially went into social work for. Since then, I’ve tried on a few different things— working with folks with disabilities, in a group home, in a children’s center, etc. But then I decided it was time to get back to what I initially intended to do. It’s been going really well so far.
Why do you think Case Management is fundamental to trauma healing?
I think Case Management it important to trauma healing because when people are in crisis mode, finding resources, financial assistance, and maintaining housing are pretty difficult. Case management allows folks to have a solid basis. We are guides in how to navigate the system. Finding resources can be overwhelming, so having a guide is so helpful and an essential part of the process of healing.
Why do you think it is important to serve underrepresented communities?
When I was in college, I actually wrote a paper about this. I researched the barriers that women of color and immigrant women experienced when it came to seeking help for domestic violence. In other cultures it can be seen as taboo to reach out for help. From the paper, I found out that undocumented women in the U.S. do not seek help for DV in fear of being deported. Then, needless to say, when women of color do seek support, they are not taken as seriously by healthcare professionals. Abusers tend to use that to their favor.
What do you like most about the work you do?
I like helping people find the resources they need to get out of crisis mode. Once you do connect people to support, it’s nice to hear them find relief and feel less anxious. Helping, in general, is a big thing for me.
What do you do for self-care?
I love doing anything related to art. I’m not that good at it, but during the pandemic my friends and I started buying canvases, watching Bob Ross videos, and painting. I love being outside, taking pictures, and walking by the lake. Boxing is super fun, too.
Do you have a favorite memory at DAP?
The coffee and donut mornings are awesome. It’s so fun to connect with my co-workers when we can talk about stuff outside of work, when it’s not so heavy. I really enjoy that. Oh, and the wellness meeting where we got to spend time outside!
Thanks, Jackie, for your insights. We appreciate you!!