Staff Spotlight
Paweena Yang
Paweena is an Advocate and Housing Case Manager at the Domestic Abuse Project. She is incredibly kind and knowledgeable and shares below some of her wisdom on how to best process transitions.
DAP: What is your name, your pronouns, and your role at DAP?
Paweena: I’m Paweena, my pronouns are she/her/hers, and I’m an advocate. I also do work with case management for the CES (Coordinated Entry System) housing program.
DAP: What exactly do you do in your role as an advocate?
Paweena: As an advocate, we assist those who are looking for protection orders, whether it's an OFP [Order for Protection], or an HRO [Harassment Restraining Order]. We also do safety planning. If they're looking for a lease break, if they need help with some other things like lock changes, possibly a camera at their place, we can support people on some of those things, too.
As for housing, we have a Coordinated Entry System [CES] for those who are fleeing domestic violence, and our role is to enroll them into the program. CES is a system that connects people to housing providers. Housing providers help people look for housing, they help pay a portion of rent for a few months, so that participants can work towards stabilizing their situation. After the assistance, the client would go back to paying rent on their own.
DAP: What are some signs that someone may need DAP’s advocacy or case management services?
Paweena: There are some who already know what they're looking for, whether it's a protection order or housing support, and there are those who just wonder about what we offer. If they can tell us their situation, we can assess what they're looking for. Sometimes, it's just providing support emotionally or safety planning. If we don't offer the service they need, we can send them referrals to other programs.
DAP: What is it like to transition from a domestic violence situation to a place with stability/safety? What are the main obstacles?
Paweena: Domestic violence looks different for everyone in every situation, but if we're talking about those who are fleeing domestic violence, mainly they're looking for housing support, which is where CES [Coordinated Entry System] comes in. In that moment where you are transitioning from leaving an abusive partner to finding independence and stability, CES can support you with that transition.
DAP: How would you advise someone who is struggling to adjust to drastic change in their life, related to domestic violence or otherwise?
Paweena: We always want to let everyone know that you’re not on your own, which is why we are here to support everyone. Take one step at a time, and don't be afraid to ask questions! Seek help, whether it’s from friends and family or the community. The community can be people who share similar identities with you and agencies like us. We also have support groups and therapy for adults and children who have experienced domestic violence. It is helpful to be supported by someone who knows what you are going through.
DAP: We’ve all heard the phrase “be your own advocate.” When is this advice useful, and when might it be time to reach out for help from an outside source like DAP?
Paweena: Being your own advocate to me is finding your strength. It is finding your own voice and taking the necessary steps to move forward. However, you don’t have to do things alone. It’s ok to ask for help. There isn’t a timeline for when someone should reach out to us or seek resources out there. It doesn’t matter how serious the situation is to seek support.
DAP: In your own experience, what are the ways that you deal with transitions or periods of uncertainty?
Paweena: I think that we all struggle, and it's okay to be uncomfortable. How I ground myself is by reminding myself that what I'm experiencing is very human. Struggling is a natural part of transitions. I also go back to community, family, and friends. There is support out there. It doesn't hurt to ask for help, which is a big step to moving forward.
DAP: What is your favorite part about working at DAP?
Paweena: I really love the diversity here. It's a lot of the aspects that the staff brings into the whole organization—a lot of diversity and different people who I get to work with. I just enjoy learning about what everyone has to offer.
DAP: If you could be a character in any show, who would you be?
Paweena: Probably Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. Because, you know, it would be nice to have magic. And I’m a big fan of Lord of the Rings.
BONUS: visit our Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok to watch Paweena answer a few of these questions and experience her charm for yourself. All socials are linked at the bottom of this newsletter!